Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Waay Before Pictures - Barn History

These are pictures of the barn in it's early years.

The fact that there are horses in the pictures suggests to me that they are very early days. The barn was built in 1916 when horses were still being used for farming.

In the 1930's the Winn's got their first tractor. Horses quickly became obsolete.


Kendra Joy said...

Mom, thank you so much for posting this old pictures! I hadn't seen the top one before. The history of it makes me very excited for the future of the barn and barnyard!

Arlene Winn said...

You are very welcome! It was fun to find them.

Cousin Nick can be credited with scanning these old pictures and making them so wonderfully easily available electronically!

Alicia said...

I think it's interesting to see the power lines in the old pictures. You don't think of horses being needed at the same time that electrical lines were used.

Alicia said...
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Suzanne said...

I'm curious about who the people are in the two old photos: the woman in the bottom left corner of the first photo, and the man in the second photo. Maybe Dad would know. Thanks again, Nick, for scanning these photos for the family and others to enjoy!

Arlene Winn said...

I wonder if the power lines come from the windmill that is to the south of the barn, or did that windmill only pumped water?

I know that at one time they dammed up Little Dry Creek for power generation. But this picture seems earlier than that to me.

I don't have the time line down very well.