I thought you might like to see some of the growth and improvements at Winn Homestead. It is an encouragement to me when I compare old and current. I hope you will enjoy it too.
The alley way on the west side of the barn before ramp repair,
cleaning up the debris and weeding.

The following pictures were taken in May of this year and show some of the improvements.
My goal is to make it a pleasant resting place. I transplanted plants from my home yard: Hostas, Tickseed, Coral Bells, Ferns and others. We also purchased SliverLace Vines, Lemon Grass, Dragon Leaf Begonias (and other misc. plants of interest, I have a weakness for pretty plants...kind of like some women collect jewelry.)
We put bark down to control weeds, mud,and improve moisture retention..... besides... it looks nice.
We moved a park bench into the shade of the new ramp

July 27, 2009
I am pleased that all of the plants are still alive and growth has been better than expected. I see that some plants are gets more sun and heat than I originally realized. I may have to give more thought to the plant I use in this area. But... I think I will give it more time... see what it looks like next summer.

I am pleased with this little area to the north of the barn. The micro irrigation system we put in the alleyway, and extended to this area, really helped the sedums and creeping phox thrive. I also added some ornamental grasses and red dianthus to provide height and interest.

This picture of Tim and Kendra (son-in-law & daughter) was taken August 2008 and shows the size of the Lavender at that time.
The following pictures were taken July 2009. Our winter was a fairly harsh one this year. Early this spring I thought I had lost at least 2 or 3 of the the Simplicity roses. But they came back and are doing wonderfully! I think I will protect them a bit better this winter.

The Lavender has grown well. The honeybees have thoroughly enjoyed them. I have also seen hummingbirds enjoying my flowers! I have been able to harvest some of it's fragrant blossoms for arrangements in my home as well as preparing them to give away at Bridal Shows.

The Windmill another place that shows plant growth.



The Silverlace and Virginia Creeper are really taking off.
There just might be leaves above the reach of nibbling deer this fall.

This is an area we planted last fall. There are supposed to be 3 large Rose of Sharons, with white blossoms, in the back as the back drop for the rest of the bed. Our winter nearly killed them. I had given them up for dead and we purchased 3 more. When Preston began to dig them out he found the faintest sign of life. We decided to let them live. This what they look like 7/2009.
Not the 3-5 foot bushes we bought, but very much alive.
Let's hope they do better this next winter.

This little willow tree..didn't look much like a willow tree last summer....

This summer it is actually taking on the shape of a willow tree.
Ahhh, a potential resting place in the shade of a weeping willow!

The water trough planters of 2009.
I am very thankful for
SoilMoist, which makes it so I don't have to hand water these planters everyday!

There is nothing like a summer evening with the irrigation running!
Notice the cottonwood trees in the background.
Last year they were hardly visible. They have grown too.

Yes, they are along the upper fence in this picture.
We acquires some old farm treasures to create landscaping interest. I am looking forward to working these into the plantings.

Two old scythes

Old mower
two bottom plow